Hell Yes! Resumes Master Class

Be Remarkably Different • Stand Out • Get Hired Modern Advice For Creating A Modern Resume That Sets You Apart

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Photo by Sonja Langford on Unsplash


You have just 6 seconds to make an impression with your resume. So WHY? would you want your resume to look like anyone else's.

That is where Hell Yes! Resumes come in. We help you be REMARKABLY DIFFERENT than the competition. We keep recruiters and hiring managers eyes on your resume.

Imagine creating a resume that is a perfect reflection of you and your Unfair Competitive Advantage. This is how to get noticed and get the right job.

Let's be honest. Looking for a job can stink. So much advice. So many rules. So much confusion. We are bogged down by the made-up rules we have about our careers and how to get a job. These are the "I should's" and "They say's" swirling in your head every-time you sit down to work on your resume.

And where is your current approach leaving you... hundreds of applications filled out and nothing to show for it.

Some days it feels like ANY job will do!

If you are serious about getting a job you will love, you need a new approach.

Jennifer Thompson has a deviant approach that will help you hone in on your unique abilities, be remarkably different from other applicants, and get an awesome job.

From Jennifer:

"I know what it is like to hire top talent.

I spent 11 years at a Fortune 50 company hiring top talent in the industry. I looked at thousands of resumes and learned what makes candidates stand out.

Candidates that were gutsy and willing to be remarkably different consistently won the interview. Why? These candidates used their Unfair Competitive Advantage to get themselves noticed."

Every one of us has an Unfair Competitive Advantage.

The problem is most of us aren’t taking advantage of it.

Hell Yes! Resumes helps you to uncover your Unfair Competitive Advantage

To do this we work through 3 Pillars:


VALUES- You must know what is important in your life. I see so many executives that have done personality profile after personality profile but don't know what is important to themselves. We dig in here to what is important, what do you value? And then more importantly, what are the actions you like to take to honor these values? Once we know this we know what tasks you want to do on a daily basis so you can love your job.

VOICE- Everyone has a voice of impact. It is where you at your best, where you are you. You know what this feels like, walking away from an interaction with someone and knowing that you nailed the conversation. Well we are going to tune this voice and give you tools to help you use this voice of impact anytime you need it. Especially when working on your resume and getting a job.

VIEW- This is 360º view. While most resumes only focus on the rear-view mirror and your past we are also going to focus on your future. We are going to let potential employers clearly know what you ARE going to contribute going forward and if they are lucky you will do it for them.

I know you came here searching for a resume master class, and yes, we will get to that.

Anyone can create a resume that looks like everyone else's.

Here, we will dig into you and figure out who you are so that we can define your Unfair Competitive Advantage. Then you will reflect that in your resume and your job search. This Unfair Competitive Advantage will get you the job that is perfect for you. And you will be perfect for your new company. Win! Win!

How you ask? We will create a Hell Yes! Resume. This resume is one that gets noticed. It is not one that hides in the stack and gets overlooked.

Recently I received my most coveted complement. It came from the a recruiter of one of my clients.

"this (resume) offers an impressive summary of your accomplishments. The story-telling makes it highly readable, owing to the visuals and bulleted summaries...yours would definitely be memorable. It stands out without being obnoxious or gimmicky. "

AWE! The Sweet Spot!

Your Instructor

Jennifer Thompson
Jennifer Thompson

Jennifer knows what it takes to get clients noticed. It is not just about being marginally better than your competition. It is about being remarkably different than. Jennifer has a talent for finding your uniqueness, and helping you to get it to shine through.

Jennifer works with executives around the globe to highlight their skills and personality, creating amazing resumes and dream careers. The result is they are hired at jobs they love and earn more money.

Jennifer has found success as both a serial entrepreneur, and as a leader at a Fortune 50 Company. She is a trained coach, an artist, and lover of life. Jennifer currently resides in North Carolina, with her husband, children, dog and 2 cats.

Let's Talk Results! Here's What People are Saying:

When my wife was recruited for a new job opportunity in the UK I knew that meant big changes to my career. I had been working at the same company in the same role for the past 9 years and didnt know where to even begin looking. After spending a few hours with Jennifer sorting out my background, experience, and skills we were able to flush out an outline of who I am and what I wanted to do.

Over the course of the next month we met several times to help develop the way that I wanted to be portrayed on my resume. After spending a few hours we coined the moniker "Dragon Slayer" and the rest came naturally. After Jennifer helped build my resume and fantastic business cards I set out into a new country to find a job.

After less than 90 days in the job market I am happy to say I received several amazing job offers including one for my dream job. I would have never thought it possible to obtain but with Jennifer's help not only writing my resume but career counselling and follow up, it became a reality.

I am excited to say that I start my new job next month and I couldn't have done it without her.- Joe W.

I feel GREAT about my renewed resume and its fresh overall look. Furthermore, I enjoyed working through your online class to help me rediscover some of my passions. It also allowed me to focus on myself and what’s truly important to me which has given me the nudge to explore some new opportunities that are better/best for me.


Jennifer uses design thinking to help you refocus your career and voice.

I found Jennifer through LinkedIn ProFinders and her experience in the design profession was one of the reasons why I hired her to help me with my resume. She doesn't just take your content and plop into one of several templates she has, but instead has a series of conversations with you in order to help you find your voice and key strengths.

She then makes an effort to craft a resume as unique as you are and provides help in telling your stories for the jobs.

I highly recommend her for anyone looking to modernize your approach to finding a career.

2 years ago, after losing my employment for the first time of my life, I wallowed in uncertainty. Unsure of direction, searching aimlessly for answers, Jennifer was a guiding force in getting back in the game. She reached out and offered to help rewrite my resume, and within days of receiving my new resume, three companies contacted me for employment.

After accepting a great opportunity, maybe five more offers were proposed. Being professional as possible, I spoke with each one I didn’t accept, and every HR person complimented me on an extremely powerful and creative resume. That’s the passion and insight that Jennifer always delivers.- George I.

A big a-ha moment for me was digging deeper into my core values and really understanding who I am as a person and what I need to feel fulfilled. In the past I was focused more on things I wanted to be good at, rather then what I was actually good at. Leveraging these values has given me a new appreciation for myself and helped redefine what I need in my next role. I recommend Jennifer's services to all my friends and family. She understands what it takes to make the most out of your life and career and can help you find what fulfillment means to you. The best part is she makes it fun while doing it!- Marissa B.

Course Curriculum

What makes this career course unique is Jennifer’s emphasis on your Unfair Competitive Advantage. It is about being human in your resume, and in your working life. It is about attracting a career in which you can be yourself and have impact.

Each section of the course contains multiple videos and worksheets that take you through the same process that Jennifer uses with her 1 to 1 clients. There are examples of real resumes that get real results and you will be learning from them.

You will also benefit from Jennifer’s ongoing research. Here she interviews top executives on the hiring process. They discuss everything from what traits are most important to share, to how the hiring process is broken, and how you can take advantage of it.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. Get it done in a day or spread the learning out as you need it.
How long will it take me to get a job?
Results vary. I have had clients with interviews within a day of sending out their resume. What I do know is that my clients who are clear on their unfair competitive advantage and are willing to share it with their network get offers. Often they get multiple offers.
I have a varied work history will this course work for me?
Many of my clients come to me because they don't know how to tie their work history together. So this course is perfect for giving you a framework to share your unique path by using your values and voice to make it all make sense.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! We would love the chance to fix it for you. If you are still dissatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
What if after starting the course, I want more help?
If you choose to upgrade to Jennifer's 1 to 1 coaching service. You can apply your course fee to the $1950 fee for 1 to 1 coaching.


  • People who are employed but frustrated, wanting more out of a job than just a paycheck. They want to feel like they fit in, are heard, and make an impact.
  • People just entering the job market who want to be sure they stand out and land the right job with a long and prosperous future.
  • People who have been out of work for a while and are starting to question how they will find a job, never mind their dream job.
  • Consultants and freelancers who are looking for a way to show case their skills and gain more work.


  • If you care more about the paycheck than being happy and excited to go to work everyday.
  • If your health, wellness, and sanity take a backseat and you are willing to do any job just to earn a dollar.
  • If you are not willing to work hard to define who you are and the role that you would be most impactful in.

Get started now!